Lies, Damned Lies and Polls

The saying "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics," is often misattributed and used to discredit statistics. Avi Lewis used a misleading poll to support Israel's actions in Gaza, but its small sample size and biased questions raise concerns. It's important to be cautious of such tactics.

The Armadillo From Texarkana That Led Me To La Grange

In 2015, an armadillo survived gunshots from a Texan shooter, prompting humor and sympathy. The incident went viral on Twitter two years later. The essay reflects on the blues song "La Grange" by ZZ Top, connecting unrelated events. The song, released in 1973, faced controversy but became one of ZZ Top's biggest hits. The guitar riff is praised as one of the best, and Dusty Hill's recent passing marks the end of a 51-year partnership with ZZ Top.

The Hunger Games: Mocking Gaza

The American President has approved air drops of food packages into Gaza after a devastating bombing campaign, but the gesture may be too little, too late, and possibly a strategic move to divert negative publicity. The US and the IDF's actions are being criticized for their insensitivity and potential manipulation.